15 Best Plants for Kitchen | Safety | Benefit 

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I think house plants can enhance the beauty of any space inside the house, from bathroom to living room, dining room to kitchen. Gardeners decorate with ornamental houseplants to improve their mental health and well-being.
Do you have window sealing in your kitchen, where a few hours of light come from? You can also put indoor plants there because they grow well in indirect filtered light and low light.

Not enough lighting in your kitchen? Sunlight doesn’t reach? However, you can use these 15 houseplants to decorate your kitchen.

We’ve tried to list 15 indoor plants with names, pictures, and why they’re ideal for your kitchen.

15 Best Plants For Kitchen

The first name that comes to mind is Golden Pothos

1. Golden Pothos Plant

It’s hard to find any indoor gardener who doesn’t know about Golden Pothos. They are popular with gardeners because of their green-golden variegated leaves, easy growing, and budget-friendly nature. You can find Golden Pothos at your local nursery stores. It has more well-known names such as Money Plant, Ivy Arum, Silver Vine, and Hunter’s Robe along with Golden Pothos name. You can’t kill them easily; they can thrive outside the house without care. It is a budget-friendly and easy plant to keep in your kitchen.

Picture credit: Unsplash

Why Keep It in Your Kitchen:

Variegated leaves with a green-yellow combination will increase the beauty of any space in your house. Golden pothos you can hang in baskets on the kitchen window ceiling with the leaves trailing down, which looks wonderful. The pathos leaves sway when a gentle breeze blows through the south window, which I love. They also provide oxygen. They will be quite happy to be dipped in a clear jar filled with water anywhere in the kitchen. It can be a great addition to your kitchen. However, the plant is toxic if you have a pet cat or dog in your home.

Picture credit: Unsplash
Picture credit: Unsplash

2. Snake plant

The snake plant is an additional low-maintenance kitchen plant. Their scientific name is Dracaena trifasciata. They are well-known as houseplants. They have long narrow leaves which look beautiful due to their green and yellow border. They are indigenous to tropical West Africa. However, it is now seen as a houseplant all over the country.

Why Keep It in Your Kitchen:

You may put snake plants outside or anywhere in your home. They can live in low light, bright, and indirect light in your kitchen. Even if you can’t take care of the plants because you are busy working in the kitchen all day, they will grow for you. Due to their low maintenance, you can place them anywhere in your kitchen. It’s best to set them in a decorative pot in an empty spot in your kitchen and ensure they don’t bump into anything as they grow. Snake plants add oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from your kitchen. They also remove harmful compounds and toxins from your home. Keep in mind that they are poisonous to your pets.

3. Air plant

Your kitchen doesn’t get enough light and air. you are worried about the basic needs of a plant but want to decorate your kitchen with indoor plants. Then you can easily put the air plants inside a glass globe and hang them over your kitchen sink. You can find their leaves and most of the body in silver and other colours. They grow as epiphytes of large trees in nature.

15 best plants for kitchen
Picture credit: Unsplash

Why you should keep the kitchen:

You can hang the air plant from the kitchen ceiling with glass gloves. They do not require extra care. Air plants can absorb moisture from the air and grow in low light. Air plants will survive in low light conditions in your kitchen. You can spray them with water occasionally and fertilize them by spraying during the growing season. They are happy with little care. Use air plants to decorate your kitchen.

4. Chinese Evergreen 

Chinese Evergreen is a well-known houseplant for its beautiful green and white leaves. You can grow them indoors. Chinese Evergreen will take your kitchen decoration a step further. They may be found in the wild in several Asian nations. The scientific name of the Chinese Evergreen is Aglaonema spp.

15 best plants for kitchen
Picture credit: LifeStartedAgain By Reddit

Why you should keep the kitchen

You can set it in a ceramic or decor pot and place it on your kitchen window ceiling. They grow well in bright indirect light. You are going to add spice to the kitchen by placing Chinese Evergreen Plenty in the kitchen. The Chinese Evergreen plant removes harmful chemical compounds like benzene and formaldehyde from the air. You only need to water them once a week when the soil is dry and they need less care, so everyone likes this plant and brings it home.

5. Kalanchoe

If you want to see colourful flowers in your kitchen, you can bring a kalanchoe plant. They are a type of succulent. Kalanchoe came from tropical Africa and has established itself as a houseplant. If your kitchen window gets 3-5 hours of light even if it is indirect light then you can keep kalanchu there. Their colorful small flowers bloom in bunches which look quite charming.

15 best plants for kitchen
Picture credit: Pixabay

Why you should keep the kitchen:

The plant is perfect and safe to place on your kitchen windowsill. Their leaves are very effective in healing infections or wounds. If you get a knife injury while cooking, you can take Kalanchoe leaves as first aid. Also, seedlings can be easily propagated from their leaves. Kalanchoe plants need to be watered sparingly, as long as you water them once in 7 to 10 days, they are happy. You will get them in several colors which look great in decorating your kitchen.

6. Jade Plant

Jade plants are so popular with indoor gardeners because of their streamlined structure and green thick-skinned leaves. Everyone, even novices, may bring the plant home since they need so little maintenance. The jade plant is called the good luck plant. Their scientific name is Crassula ovata. You can keep a jade plant in the kitchen.

15 best plants for kitchen
Picture credit: iStock

Why you should keep the kitchen:

They are low-maintenance plants. You can keep a jade plant in your kitchen window with 3-6 hours of direct or indirect bright light. In summer, you need to water a little more frequently but in winter you need to check the soil condition and water.

The jade plant’s lush green leaves will give your kitchen a more natural feel. Also, their low water requirement makes them able to survive in any indoor conditions. I would recommend, that you keep a jade plant in your kitchen even for decoration. However, the white pods of the jade plant can be harmful to human skin and mouth.

Try to keep small children and cats away from the tree in your home.

7. Heart Leaf Philodendron

The plant with its glossy green heart-shaped leaves can be a great addition to your kitchen. Their scientific name: is Philodendron hederaceum. They are of the Araceae family and come from Central America. Well-known houseplants due to their fast-growing and shiny leaves nature.

Why you should keep the kitchen:

You can hang the plant in a hanging pot or basket and set it on the kitchen wall. Their thick green leaves will improve and add greenery to your kitchen environment. Also, you don’t have to rush to take care of them. You can hang it near your kitchen window to let the plant get light and grow faster. The plant plays a role in promoting health. Provides your kitchen with a natural touch with the addition of plants. You can decorate them with coco sticks or moss pole sets and white decorative pots in the empty spaces of the kitchen. The plant will appear more lovely as a consequence. Their leaves and twigs are poisonous to cats and mice.

8. Orchid

Orchids grow as epiphytes on host plants in nature. Orchids have been collected from nature and cultivated as houseplants over time. They can provide long-lasting blooms if given the right humidity and care in your home as nature. If you want to have flowers on the kitchen table or near the shelves with a few colour combinations, bring orchids. You can find dozens of colourful flower orchids in your area nurseries.

Why you should keep the kitchen:

They grow and flower in low light in your kitchen. If you like to enjoy colourful flowers, you can grow them in low light in your kitchen. You may need to water orchids occasionally. Feed during the growing season and close in winter. These plants are adaptable to your well-kept kitchen. You will also enjoy working when you see your favourite flowers blooming in front of your eyes. It’s important to note that orchids cannot thrive well near heaters or stoves.

9. African Violet

Streptocarpus sect. saint (scientific name) with glossy spreading round leaves which has gained popularity as a houseplant. You can gift this plant to your loved ones for Christmas.

The plant is known to all as African Violet. You can place them on your kitchen window ceiling.

15 best plants for kitchen
Picture credit: Reddit

Why you should keep the kitchen:

All year long, you will be getting a bunch of beautiful flowers. The flowers are purple, pink, and white. You can collect the plant with flowers of your choice and keep it in the kitchen. They are easy to care for and you can take care of your cooking duties. They grow best in medium light. You can put several colours side by side on your kitchen window or shelf.

10. Calathea

There are more than 200 varieties of Calathea plants. They are so famous among gardeners for their colourful leaves. The sap and colour of their leaves can catch anyone’s eye. They are safe to be kept in the kitchen.
More than sixty of them are indigenous to tropical America and are members of the Marantaceae family. 

Why you should keep the kitchen:

We brought home the beauty of Calathea leaves. But you will be surprised how much their leaves benefit us. Their leaves absorb the dust in the air and keep it in the leaves, which prevents sneezing, coughing, and allergy-related problems. Calathea also relieves mental stress, purifies the air, and boosts mental clarity. Which will help reduce the stress of your kitchen work. You can keep them in low light. They like their soil to be moist but not overly wet. You have to be careful when watering. You will find them in different colours, varieties, and structures in nurseries. This houseplant enhances the beauty of your kitchen and adds moisture to the air, so why not keep this plant in your kitchen? You are getting so much from one plant.

11. Peace lily

Peace lily is also called Shandy lily. Their deep greenish leaves and white cream-coloured flowers are always ready to impress you. I did some study and discovered that the family Spathiphyllum includes peace lilies.
If you want a low-maintenance plant in the kitchen and your home is in Zone 11-12, pick up a peace lily from a nursery or online blindly.

Why you should keep the kitchen:

Peace lilies can grow in low light. Their dark green leaves will add greenery to your kitchen room. They remove toxins from your home by removing compounds like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. They replenish the air with moisture and oxygen. No light in your kitchen room? You can keep the peace lily without any worries. They require less light and care. If you have a plant shelf in your kitchen and if it is near a window, you can put peace lilies, they will give you flowers with white stems.

12. Aloe vera

Natural features are complete. Aloe plants belong to Asphodelaceae family like Gasteria and Hewarthia. Aloe vera can grow in your home with proper care. It has been considered as a houseplant as its leaves are quite humongous.

15 best plants for kitchen
Picture credit: Unsplash

Why you should keep the kitchen:

You can keep the aloe vera plant near your cooking place in the kitchen. It has health benefits as well as being very effective in healing your wounds. You can keep an Undo ceiling decorative pot in your kitchen.

They grow in low light and maintain and are filled with chicks. Keep an aloe vera plant in the kitchen even if you consider health protection.

13. Spider Plant

Don’t be alarmed by the name spider; it won’t bite you. Haha! This is a plant named Spider plant is well known for their elongated leaves and low maintenance. According to NASA research, it helps to purify the air. Place a spider plant anywhere in your home to maintain the beauty and humidity of your home.

Why you should keep the kitchen:

A spider plant can add a touch of beauty to the kitchen. Their green and white variegated leaves are very suitable for decorative pots. It can be put down on the window sill or kitchen table. You can also hang them in a basket near the window which looks even nicer. This plant can add scope to your modern kitchen. In addition to increasing oxygen levels and removing dangerous chemicals from the air, spider plants assist in controlling temperature in any given space. Since spider plants are non-toxic, small children and dogs in your home will not be harmed by them. 

15 best plants for kitchen

14. Basil

A mild herb, basil enhances flavour and scent in the cooking process. A member of the Lamiaceae family. They are popular in cultivation all over the country. Their native habitat is tropical regions. Basil, you can put it on the menu with salad.

Why you should keep the kitchen:

Ensure to keep basil in a small pot or container in your kitchen.
1. Offer excellent
2. Skin digestion problem
3. Reduces oxidative stress
4. Prevent infection
You can also collect basil leaves in your kitchen at any time. A week they will give you 1/2 cup of leaves.

15. Ferns

Bushy ferns can be a great addition to kitchen beautification. Ferns can be kept in a space in your kitchen due to their attractive green leaves and low maintenance. Research shows that some ferns add humidity to your home.

15 best plants for kitchen
Picture credit: Reddit

Why you should keep the kitchen:

You can use fern plants to add beauty and decoration to the kitchen. Welcome, and good luck plants are the names given to fern plants. They can remove carbon monoxide in the house. They add and balance moisture in the air of the house. Both humans and your pets will not be harmed by them.

They work to bring the vibe of nature. If your kitchen has little to no light, you may still preserve this plant.

All the plants we have detailed above are 100% suitable and low-maintenance complete plants to have in your kitchen. These plants may add a natural touch and improve the kitchen’s aesthetics. They will not need extra care. If you don’t get enough light in the kitchen, you can use grow lights also.

Finally, don’t forget to let us know what you think of our article. Share your identity with gardeners.