15 Uses for Baking Soda In The Garden

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You can easily find containers of baking soda by searching your home. It may be in small quantities, but it is undoubtedly available as baking soda is popular nationwide due to its excellent properties. Baking soda has fantastic, practical uses, from cooking to cleaning your home. While gardening, you may need to use different types of organic fertilizers, which will reduce your costs and save time manifold. With baking soda in our home kitchen, we can easily prepare pesticides, fertilizers, and more for our beloved plants in minutes.
I will share some recipes with you today, and you may be pleasantly surprised. In this article, I share what I know about using baking soda in the garden; I hope you find it useful. Please take your time and read the article carefully.

What is baking soda?

Baking soda / Sodium bicarbonate is an eco-friendly, biodegradable, and non-toxic chemical compound. It is available in white powder form.
Research shows that baking soda occurs naturally as a mineral called niacinolite. It is fragrant and slightly salty.

Formula: NaHCO3

Na = Sodium

H = Hydrogen

CO3 = Carbonate

I used baking soda for cooking, baking, and cleaning; I also used it to make cakes at home.

Is baking soda safe for plants?

Baking soda does not harm your plants when used in moderation. However, it contains salts, which, if applied in large quantities to plant soil, can damage plant roots. Therefore, you should use the right amount of baking soda in the right proportion to the plant.

baking soda in the garden
Baking soda
Baking powder
Baking powder

Are baking soda and baking powder the same?

Baking powder and baking soda are not interchangeable.  You may need clarification on the names of baking soda and baking powder. But they are not the same.

We will get these two things in white color and powder form in the market. However, baking soda is more concentrated, and baking powder is available in a smooth form.

Baking soda is produced from Nahcolite, whereas baking powder contains 30% baking soda and the rest of other compounds. The mixture will bubble and swell when it is mixed with or comes into contact with any acidic ingredients in baking soda. Baking powder works by exposure to moisture. We use baking soda to clean clothes.

The advantages of baking soda use in gardening

Using baking soda on your plants will attract insects. It will also increase your plant’s resistance to disease. It will prevent the flowers from falling on the tree, saving you time. It is non-toxic, so it will not irritate your body.
You can treat plants organically by using baking soda. There are many other benefits of baking soda.

Below are 15 practical uses of baking soda use in your garden.

As Pesticides and Fungicides

Insects and insecticides are common problems in plants. They will pester you until you plant from seed to fruit and take home the fruit. New gardeners must learn to take preventive measures immediately and cause considerable plant damage.

If you don’t want to use baking soda to repel insect pests on your plants, you can take quick action by making this recipe at home in minutes.

If you find mealybugs, spider mites, bugs, thrips, whiteflies, and other insects on your plants, take immediate action without wasting time.

Go to your kitchen and get a container of baking soda. Make pesticides and herbicides.

  1. A sprayer
  2. a teaspoon
  3. Baking soda
  4. Oil (olive/sunflower/coconut/neem oil)
  5. Detergent soap

Fill the sprayer with 1 liter of water. Add one teaspoon of baking soda to water and one teaspoon of oil. Finally, add one teaspoon of your household detergent soap/soap (liquid). Now mix with a spoon.

Spray directly on the plant leaves and the part where you can see insects and bugs.

Always check a leaf before spraying to reduce the chance of damaging your plant.

Encourage flower blooming

If your flower plants are not getting enough blooms, buds are falling, or buds are not coming, spray baking soda in water. Your plant will sprout quickly, exposing the sprouts to the sun.


Mix one teaspoon of baking soda in 1 liter of water and spray it all over your plant. Within a few days, you will see the results yourself.

Keep Cut Flowers Fresh

In spring or winter, we like to collect flowers from our garden indoors. For flower lovers, seeing flowers gives them mental peace. Therefore, the flowers are brought home and soaked in water so that they stay fresh for a long time. But you will find that soaking flowers in normal water only keeps them fresh for a short time. If you mix one teaspoon of baking soda in water, your flower beige will keep the flowers fresh for a long time.

You can see the fungus in the clay pot

Clay Pot/Stone Cleaner

The clay pots in our house can accumulate, making them look ugly. Baking soda can be used to get rid of them.


Take baking soda in a small bowl, add two teaspoons of water, and paste. Do not dilute by adding more water.
Now, use some paper towels to clean the area of the clay pot that has the stains on it. Your plant pot will look new again.


Aquarium stones come in various sizes, which we utilize to adorn indoor plants. These stones form the topsoil of the tub, and water is poured over the rocks when watering the plants. On contact with water, the stones start to swell, and after some time, it is seen that the fungus has been born. You can clean the stone with baking soda.


Baking Soda: Take a bucket or container and add one teaspoon of baking soda to one liter of water. Put the stone in the pot and rub it with your hands. The rocks are easily cleaned, and thus, you can get rid of the fungus.

Compost Pile- Foul Smell

Fertilizer is needed to grow vegetables in the garden or kitchen beds and add nutrients to the soil. Many of us use organic manure, dung manure, leaf manure, and chicken manure for vegetables. When we make compost at home, manure starts the composting process. A foul smell comes from the bin, which can spread around and spoil the environment. The smell will soon go if you take some baking soda from home and sprinkle it in your compost bin.

You’ll also be surprised at how baking soda works to remove odors. When you add baking soda to the compost bin, it reacts with the baking soda and turns into less volatile salts that tend to stay solid before turning into a gas.
As a result of this tendency, the gas evaporates in a minimal amount, which does not reach our nose, and we do not smell.

Cabbage worms

Different types of worms eat the leaves on the tree and spoil the plant. Baking soda can be used to get rid of them.

  1. 50% baking soda
  2. 50% flour

Mix the two, and do not mix any water. Then sprinkle it on the leaves of your plants. The worms will die within 1-2 days when they eat these.

Cleaning leaves Photosynthesis

Plant leaves produce food through Photosynthesis. The leaves have tiny pores that are not visible to the naked eye. These pores help with food intake and respiration. Plant leaves produce food through Photosynthesis. The leaves have tiny pores that are not visible to the naked eye. These pores help in food intake and respiration.

Dust and bird feathers accumulate on the leaves of large or small houseplants, interfering with the plant’s photosynthesis process. Cleaning the leaves will help keep the photosynthesis process going and dust-free. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda in one liter of water and spray the cloth. You can also wipe the leaves directly with baking soda water on a paper towel.

Remove Slugs and Snails

Snails start from the young leaves and destroy the big leaves. They can kill the plant’s leaves in an instant. Many gardeners fear snails or hate their structures. If you sprinkle baking soda around the tub, snails won’t return. They won’t even come near the tub because of the smell of baking soda.

Cleaning Garden Tools, Furniture, and Pots

We have to use different tools to make the work in the garden more manageable. Scissors for cutting tree stems, Hirani for loosening soil, planting trees, and seedling pots for starting seedlings are more miscellaneous. We will keep these items clean for the sake of long-term use.


Mix one teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of detergent (optional) in one liter of water, and wipe all the tools used in the garden with a paper towel. We will also clean the furniture on which we keep these tools. This destroys the organisms. Next spring, we will soak the used plastic or any pots in water mixed with baking soda for 5-10 minutes to kill the bacteria. Some germs and bacteria can survive for years without food, but baking soda can kill them.

Baking soda fertilizer

We can also make plant fertilizer with baking soda. The cost of buying fertilizer for our garden will decrease.

  • One teaspoon of baking soda
  • One tablespoon of Epsom salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ammonia

Mix 5 liters of water and use it at the base of the plant. However, care should be taken to ensure that no more amount can be given than this. Excess baking soda can damage plants. You have to keep this in mind while making the fertilizer.

Picture: iStock
Picture: iStock
Picture: iStock
Picture: iStock

Powdery mildew / black spot leaves

Baking soda removes white spots and black spots on leaves. These plant diseases show various symptoms ranging from stunted growth to leaf drop. If you see black spots on the leaves, you will know that these are hindering your plant’s growth.


Fill the sprayer or watering can with water. Spray the affected leaves with 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda in 1 liter of water. Also, on all plant leaves, give healthy and diseased leaves. The spots will disappear within 3-5 days, and the leaves will be disease-free.

Soil PH Tester

We learned in school how to test the soil. Today, you will learn how to test the soil without a meter for your garden needs. Collect the soil you want to test from your garden in two separate pots.

Watch the rest of the video.


In removing ants from the soil

If you notice ants in the soil of the tub, you should use baking soda. Ants make nests in the soil and damage the roots of plants. Take action to remove them if you see them on the soil of tub plants. If you sprinkle baking soda on the tub’s surface, you will see that the ants are gone.

If you make a hole in the ground, mix one teaspoon in 1 liter of water and make 100-150 ml for a tub. Providing more than a gram of water a day can increase the salinity in the soil, which can endanger your plants.

Weed control

We will use baking soda to control weeds. Weeds are a common problem in tub and container plants. They can breed quickly and fill up your small tub. When weeds grow in tubs, they absorb nutrients from the soil, and the main plant in our tubs does not get enough nutrients. Weeds can be an annoying problem for you. Use baking soda to remove them. You sprinkle baking soda on top of the weeds. The weeds have one to two days to perish.

Here’s how to get rid of weeds in your garden or backyard. We told you about 15 uses of baking soda in the garden above. Remember to let us know your results using which one in your garden.


Will baking soda on the tree get good results when applied?

= You can apply in the morning or late afternoon. Applying to plants under intense heat or direct sunshine may harm them, therefore avoid doing so.

Is baking soda toxic to cats and dogs at home?

= Baking soda is non-toxic because it is a product of our diet. But it is best to avoid them when you give them to plants.

Can I use vinegar and baking soda together on plants?

= Vinegar and baking soda can be quite volatile. So I think it’s better not to use them on plants together.

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