5 Uses for Orange Peels in the Garden |Organic Fertilizer

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    Oranges are a rich source of vitamin C. It is my favourite fruit and is always available at home. Everyone in our house loves this sour, sweet fruit. So it is always available in the fruit basket on our table. I collect orange peels for my hydrangeas and garden plants. You’d be surprised that orange peels can be an excellent fertilizer for your plants. Below are the details of making and using orange peels in the garden.

    What is orange peel fertilizer?

    Orange peels are rich in nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, citric acid, and other micronutrients essential for plant growth. They help a lot. Orange Peel Fertilizer can easily be made organically at home in just a few steps, using only your time.

    Which plants can I apply orange peel fertilizer to?

    Any flowers, fruits, plants, and vegetables in your yard, even hydrangeas, can benefit from orange peel fertilizer. Since this fertilizer is entirely organic, you can apply it to all your plants in varying amounts. But be careful not to over-apply, as this fertilizer is highly acidic and can burn your plant’s leaves.

    Advantages of using orange peel fertilizer

    Composting orange peels ensures that the remaining peels are not correctly used and thrown away. You can make organic fertilizer for your favourite plants, which is very effective. Orange peel is a plant fertilizer and, conversely, an insect repellent. This fertilizer balances the pH value of the soil and does not harm beneficial insects when sprayed on plants.

    How can I use it on trees?

    You can apply orange peel fertilizer to plants in various ways.

    So before talking about it, take a look at the list below:

    • Used as liquid fertilizer
    • It serves as compost.
    • You use it as a powder.
    • produced and used as a pesticide
    • It is put straight onto the ground.

    1. Liquid Fertilizer

    The recipe for making liquid fertilizer is shared below

    The ingredients you will need to make liquid fertilizer are:

    1. orange peel
    2. Scissors/knife
    3. Airtight glass jar
    4. Chopsticks you have at home
    5. Strainer
    6. Spray bottle

    Do not throw away the peels while eating oranges. I collect the peels in a bucket to make liquid fertilizer. Using scissors, I chopped the peels into little pieces and pressed them hard to get the liquid oils from the shell. I then place the pieces of peel in a glass jar and fill it with water.

    You can use 2/3 orange peel for 500 ml of water. Now, cover the jar with a lid. Keep away from sunlight in a dry and cool place for at least 24 to 48 hours. After 5-7 hours, shake the shells once with chopsticks at home. We will see that the water has turned light orange a specific time later.

    This shows that the liquid has been properly extracted from the shell. We can now filter the liquid fertilizer and apply it directly to the plants. After draining the peels, you should again Leave the jar with water for another 24 hours. This will remove all the liquid oils from the peel.

    Method of Use

    Orange Peel Liquid Fertilizer can be sprayed with foil (like a fountain). Before spraying:

    1. Add two teaspoons of liquid fertilizer to 500 ml.
    2. Moisten the stems with water and then spray.
    3. Avoid direct application, as acetic acid in liquid fertilizer can damage leaves.

    It is best to test by spraying on one plant or specific parts or leaves of a plant before applying it to all your houseplants.

    [You can use these peels in a jar after watering them with a teaspoon of baking soda or vinegar you have at home]

    orange peels in the garden
    Picture: iStock

    2. Compost Fertilizer

    It is possible to compost with citrus, such as orange peel citrus. Orange peel contains potassium, nitrogen, and various micronutrients. You can easily make it at home. We will compost orange peels the same way we compost kitchen waste.

    Making compost is time-consuming. When orange peel compost fertilizer is used in the soil, the nutrients are boosted, which increases the plant’s physical and root growth.

    3. Powder

    Cut the orange peels into small pieces. If you have enough time, you can dry them in the sun, which will take two to three days. If you are short on time, you can dry the peels in the microwave. After that, you can crush them with a hammer. It is best to make the powder using a grinder machine at home.

    You will mix the powders with one or two teaspoons of the tub’s surface soil and add water.

    4. Pesticides 

    We will use Orange Peel Fertilizer to control various pests on trees. It works great on trees, and you can try it.

    Recipe for making insecticide

    Cut the orange peels into small pieces. Put the peels in a jar and use hot water (hot water rather than regular water will extract the oils from the peels faster). Fill the jar with hot water and keep it in a dry, shaded place for 48 hours. After 48 hours, strain the liquid and dilute it with water. Take two parts water and one part liquid fertilizer. Spray all plants, including houseplants, with your watering can or sprayer.

    You can add orange peels directly to the soil while planting houseplants and other plants. When you plant the plant, put the pods an inch or two below it and then cover it with a layer of soil. After that, you will plant the tree so that your tree can take the necessary food for a long time through its roots.

    If the peels are given in this way, it takes a long time for them to decompose, and the plant collects the nutrients slowly. You can also use it as a mulching plant in dry weather.

    RELATED: Insecticides Used for Houseplants

    5. Used Directly to the Soil

    We learned how to make orange peel liquid fertilizer using the above method. Now we know how to apply this liquid fertilizer directly to plants’ soil. We will make the liquid form from the above recipe. I will dilute 1.5-2 litters of water with 250-300 ml in a watering can.

    We will not apply it to plant soil without dilution. Now apply this liquid to your garden or house plants.

    We must note that orange peel liquid fertilizer contains acetic acid, which can damage the plant’s roots if given excessively.

    Plants that prefer acidic soil:

    1. Daffodils
    2. Nasturtium
    3. Camellias
    4. Azaleas
    5. Hydrangeas
    Let me share another great idea with you

    Using orange peel as a seed pot

    You can cut the orange peels down the middle and divide the whole orange peel into two halves. You can plant seedlings in these shells.

    orange peels in the garden
    Picture: iStock


    What insects does orange peel pesticide control?

    = Effective against mealybugs, aphids, ants, spider mites. You can try it on plants.

    When may I apply liquid orange peel fertilizer? How many days later?

    = After 14-15 days, twice a month, you can spray on the plant or the ground.

    Effective for root mites?

    = Yes, it is very effective against root mites and other insects that destroy roots in the soil.