When we get tired from home and daily activities, we go for a trip to refresh our minds and bodies. But if you have houseplants at home and you are on vacation, you can become very worried about them. Your vacation will be more stressful than refreshing if your plants don’t get water. You will wonder how you can water plants when away from home if you are not home. You’ll embark on vacation by arranging one of these while you’re at home. It may also be that you are going to your relatives’ or in-laws’ after reading in your leisure time; will they allow you to come so easily?
If you do not ensure that houseplants are watered and moist before packing your luggage, you may find your plants almost dead. We never want that, because a single plant is like the children we nurture and raise.
When I’m on vacation or away, I apply some simple but highly effective methods that you can do too. Whether your vacation is for seven days or a month or more, your plants will stay healthy.
Let’s go so you can learn how to water plants when away from home. We’ve even got extra advice for you.
1. Water Wicking
The water-wicking method is very popular and effective. First, arrange a rope. Don’t worry if you don’t have the rope at home; you can find it at your nearest hardware store. You can use cloth or nylon rope. Put one end of the rope in a glass jar and the other end an inch or two from the roots of your plant. Take a small stick or chopstick you have at home, twist the rope well, and insert it deep into the soil (you can use a spoon and can).
Now fill your glass with water. The water-wicking method has been applied to your plants. The plant will absorb water slowly as needed.
2. DIY Drip System
Plastic bottles can be found in everyone’s house if you search more or less. You must have it at home too. Take the plastic bottle. Make two tiny holes in the cap of the bottle (keep in mind that the holes are not too big). Now open the cap of the bottle and fill the water bottle with water, keeping the water level empty. Then stick the top of the bottle and put the top of the bottle in a two-inch hole in the soil of your pot. Now the water will come out through the small holes, and your plant will get water.
3. Water Bath
You can use this effective method in your home bathtub or sink. Turn off the bathtub or sink drain. Then take a cloth (a towel is best) and spread it over the bathtub or sink. Now close the water tap and keep the water up to one and a half to two inches of the cloth and turn off the tap. Now your task is to bring your plants to the room and windows and place them here. The plants will be able to receive water as per their requirement.
4. Little Greenhouse
You can make a small greenhouse in your own home.
Here’s how you can do it with household items:
Water your plants until the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot are saturated. Then take a large plastic bag and cover your plant completely, wrapping the bottom of the pot with plastic wrap using rubber, rope, or duct tape.
Before sealing, blow enough air into the plastic to increase the oxygen inside, allowing the plant to absorb oxygen for a long time. You can use thin sticks or chopsticks in the pot to prevent your plant’s leaves from sticking to the plastic. If the plastic comes in contact with leaves, there is a chance of leaf rot.
If you have several plants that can fit in your house and their number is more, then you can create a greenhouse system in a container box. Plants will thrive well in this small greenhouse.
5. Watering Globes
Watering globes and DIY drip systems are pretty much the same. If you have watering globes at home, fill them with water and bury them in the soil near your plants. Now you don’t have to worry about watering the plants. The plants will take in water as needed.
6. Spray Insecticide
When you go on vacation for an extended period, you will have no one to take care of your plants. At this time, harmful insects (mealybugs, mites) may attack and damage the plant. You can spray insecticide or neem oil on the plant before leaving home. This means you won’t have to worry about plants while on vacation.
7. Growing Light
Place indoor plants in a room near your front door, near the kitchen, and the TV room. It is best to keep all the plants close together. After that, turn on that grow light in your house. Use plugs to control the lights while you’re on vacation. Digital plugs can be effective. You can also set a timer with the grow light that will turn on at the right time and turn off after the time the plant needs the light. Using grow lights will ensure adequate light during the plant’s time indoors.
8. Keeping out of Sunlight
If your plants are near a south-facing window or outside your door, bring them indoors. When plants receive sunlight, they start to produce food through the process of photosynthesis, they need water, and the roots of the plants collect the water from the soil. As a result, the soil of the plants dries up quickly. If you do not want to move the plants near the window, cover the window with a large curtain or sheet. This way, your plants won’t get sunlight doesn’t mean your plants will die; your plants will stay alive.
9. Trimming Leaves
We have some large plants at home, and their stems are quite bushy. You can trim off the excess stems. With no extra leaves, the plant will take in less food and water, allowing you to go without water for long periods.
10. Not Applying Fertilizer
Do not apply fertilizer to your indoor plants before you go on vacation. Fertilizer sprays or mixing with the soil cause the emergence of new shoots along with the branches of the plant. Due to this, the plant needs water and sunlight at this time. If the plant does not get enough water and sunlight in the soil, problems can occur in the growth of the plant. Water is also needed at this time, so I would suggest you not give fertilizer.
11. Call a Friend
When you’re going on vacation for two, three, or more days, your plants will need water. You can then contact someone who lives near you to water your plants. If it is a small quantity of plants and they are ready to keep them in their house, go and take them to their house and show them care.
But it is best to have them come to your home and water your plants. You can video call them for the necessary guidance. Another thing you can do is send a video of how you water your plants before you go on vacation. Don’t forget to give your friend a gift for this job when you return home from vacation.
A gift can be an indoor plant or take them out for lunch or dinner.
Now it’s time to share some bonus tips with you
You can keep the soil moist for longer by mulching indoor plants. When mulching plants, the soil above the plant does not get direct sunlight, and the soil does not dry out quickly; it maintains soil moisture. You can use leaves from large plants in your backyard for mulching. You can also use dry straw. I cover it with large stones for mulching; it keeps the soil covered
If you know these methods, you don’t have to worry about watering plants when away from home. You can apply these methods above, and I’m sure your plants will look fresh when you get back home. Comment below which method you used on vacation.