Buying Houseplants Online: 15 Advantage and 3 Disadvantage

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If you’re passionate about plants and love gardening, you’ll have a strong interest in them. This interest in plants can fill your house with indoor plants. Looking at the beautiful plant ads online, you might think, “I wish I had this plant!” Seeing the plants on Instagram and tiktok of indoor gardeners might make you a little jealous, I wish I had one too. Buying plants online will make your indoor gardening more accessible. In this article, we have discussed 15 advantages of buying houseplants online.

15 Advantages of buying houseplants online

1. Competitive Pricing

If you think of buying houseplants online, you will find over a thousand online stores in or outside your location. While sitting at home, you can research the price of plants of your choice on various sites where you can get them at a slightly lower price. Online sellers also know that they need to increase sales in a competitive market, so they charge prices that seem reasonable for customers to buy. This results in better customer and vendor relations and both benefit. When you go through 10/20 sites to buy a plant, look at reviews and prices. You can quickly get an idea of which site offers the plant at the lowest price and can easily take it from that site. You only need a net-connected device to run this search on online plant stores.

2. No Pressure to Buy

When you walk around and look at plants in nurseries or offline stores, a representative can help you choose and show you around. The store might not have the plant you want in the right size or condition, or it might be too expensive for your budget. You might feel awkward not buying the plant after they show it to you. You might wonder how to tell them the price is beyond your budget, especially since stores usually have fixed prices.

The representative may ask you if there is any problem with you not taking the plant, and you may feel bad.

Conversely, no one will pressure you to buy from a particular site online. You can visit the online store as many times as you like. No one will be around you or show up. You have to watch yourself so you don’t feel like a pacemaker.

3. Time Saver

You may have small children at home or take very few vacations in your busy life. Whatever time off is available is used for family time and other work. It is time-consuming for you to visit offline stores or tree nurseries and see if the tree is the right one.

It is not possible to cut your tree. You can order plants online from home to save your time. You can complete the order in a few minutes at any time of the day or at midnight when the shops are closed throughout the city. Many important moments of your life will be saved due to online tree cutting.

Especially the older adults who cannot leave the house due to illness.Ā Ordering plants online can be excellent.

4. Review Checking

We are always used to shopping from our familiar online stores. Also, on someone’s recommendation, we can go to the online store and purchase the plants from there. But when we don’t decide to buy plants from an unknown online store (website) and see their advertisement, we may wonder if it is safe to buy from them.

You find your desired plant in an unknown online store but find it hard to trust them because you have never purchased anything from them. By checking their reviews, you can learn about the service and how the plants were received by those who have purchased plants from this online store. You can easily trust an unknown online store by checking reviews.

Customers invariably leave reviews when they buy and are satisfied with the plants and service. To order plants from home be sure to review and check online stores before ordering online.Ā 

buying houseplants online
Picture: iStock

5. Various Size Options

In the online stores, the description is set according to the different sizes of each plant. You can estimate the size of the plant by the size of the pot, for example, small, medium, large, and extra-large size or tub size 6/8/10 inches, so you can easily estimate how big the plant will be.

When buying large plants online, you can quickly know the actual size of the plant if you look at the size of the tub. You can also find out the size of your favourite tree with them by searching their online stores.

If you need help finding the plant size and shape you want at one store, consider checking other online stores.

Related: 20 Big Size Houseplants

6. Shipping Charge and Delivery

Buying large-size houseplants from a nursery or offline store and bringing them home can require a lot of effort, labour, or transportation costs. These extra costs add up to increase the cost of your plant. Online stores arrange to deliver plants to you with minimal delivery charges.

This reduces your expenses; conversely, you don’t have to stress about bringing your plants home. The plant you bought is delivered right to your door by courier. They send the tree you ordered at regular intervals, either through their management or through a delivery service agency.

You can also pay the delivery charge to confirm the order and pay the remaining amount when the delivery man arrives at your door with the tree the next day. Online stores try their best to deliver plants safely to your home. You can order and rest assured.

7. Discounts and Offers

Like me, you should anticipate deals and discounts if you are astute. We should use it as an opportunity. Offers and discounts are one such thing. Those who don’t take advantage of this opportunity don’t enjoy it. Online stores give offers and discounts for a certain amount or at a particular time on various days or festivals.

You must wait for such a time and keep your eyes and ears open. Online stores offer special offers on holidays and major festivals, such as Father’s Day, Christmas Day and New Year. Visit online stores to get the best offers and save money I always keep a note on my mobile when a store offers an offer (every store announces in advance), and I am prepared accordingly.

Stores are likely to be out of stock during certain hours and sites are likely to be out of stock when you go in to order.

buying houseplants online
Picture: iStock

8. Multiple Payment Options

You currently have limited funds but desire to purchase the plant online. You can place an order from various online stores. Let usĀ support you through the process.

You can pay the delivery charge or get the tree in cash on home delivery. Online stores provide you with that facility. Also, when you buy plants or other equipment in online stores, you can pay by bank, debit, credit, or Visa card. Also, we can make payments through mobile banking policy with our mobile.Ā Online stores keep multi-payment options in mind for all buyers so their customers can pay online easily and comfortably.

Many online stores also offer a money-back guarantee for taking customer payments in various ways. This saves you some money and increases the seller’s sales.

9. Return Policy

When new gardeners shop for plants online, they may need more experience with online shopping and struggle to estimate the size of plants from pictures or videos. As a result, they may be disappointed when the delivered plants are smaller than expected. In such cases, it’s not the seller’s fault; the customer couldn’t accurately gauge the size from the available images or descriptions.

Online stores have a return policy if the customer is not happy with the plants or gardening products they like, they can return them immediately. The online stores then provide them with the right plant within a specified time (7-15) or give them money back.

This happens more often among new indoor gardeners. Sometimes it is seen that when you have ordered a plant or other product, it may be damaged due to transportation or delivery man. Their website or store has detailed information about the return policy; you should take a look before ordering so that you don’t have to face any tIf you find the plant damaged during delivery, you can inform the online store and return it. rouble later.

10. Distance

Buying houseplants online can be done from any of your areas. If you order from an online store, they donā€™t have an offline store in your area, but they can ship plants or other items to you.

You can do your online shopping from home or abroad. Not even leaving the house is required. Order with your device, and they will deliver it to your home through their delivery system. There is nothing to worry about when buying plants online, such as your location or distance.

Sometimes, they have stores outside your area, but you canā€™t get there. You can get the plant you need by ordering from their online store.

11. Support

Popular online stores have support systems. You can contact them anytime. When seeking advice and treatment for any issues with your tree, you can adequately care for the plant and protect it promptly. Sellers have established support teams to automate their entire process and address customer concerns. From my own experience, having customer support will increase engagement with your customers, which in turn will result in repeat business. This is the biggest advantage for an entrepreneur or plant seller.Ā 

12. Easy-to-Follow Direction Paper

Online sellers provide direction papers when you purchase a plant or plant material online. The paper outlines how to care for your houseplant, how much water to give it, how much sun it needs when to fertilize, and when to abstain.

Everything is given in the papers. In other words, it can be called the user menu. When you buy a tree offline or from a nursery, there is no paperwork that you need to collect. It is also said that some leaves may drop when the plant is packaged; this is normal. After wearing the paper, you can adequately care for your plants. Direction paper allows you to pot and care for your plants without anyone else’s help.

13. Online Tracking Facility

Once the tree is ready for delivery, you can track the location of your parcel online with the tracking code. When and at what time your parcel can be delivered is given along with all the details of the delivery man.

In this, you can quickly know the location of your plant at any time, and you will be present at the delivery time at home.

14. Customer Satisfaction

Online stores try their best to satisfy customers. They have low prices for plants, convenience of selecting plants according to choice, perfect packaging to avoid damage to plants, proper delivery of plants to customers, and keeping in touch with customers after the plants reach.

Online sellers give customers the highest priority and effort and take your feedback seriously. They provide a return policy even if you are unsatisfied with online shopping.

I once bought a monster plant online. When I opened the plant package, I was really happy, and the seller gave me a cute little pot gift, which made me very happy. Online sellers know how to make a place in the customerā€™s mind, and they do it that way.

15. Make Comfortable

Buying from online stores will give you a lot of benefits. You can also purchase plants from outside the country or your area by spending a few minutes at home. The order is confirmed through online payment at home, and you can return it if you donā€™t like it.

Indeed, the online world has made our jobs comfortable. Instead of spending your precious time going around and selecting plants to buy trees, you can purchase trees at home in a few steps. Your life has been made simpler by online houseplant purchases.

2 Disadvantages of buying houseplants online

1. Pests

If you buy trees online, you must order by viewing the pictures and videos. Many online stores resell and arrange for your ordered plants to be picked up from nurseries or offline stores and delivered.

You may bring the plant home to see if it has mealybugs or mites. It might spread to other plants if you are unaware of it.Ā 

Some insects live on plant roots and in the soil. You should bring the plant home and report it, or the damage to the plant could be done before you know it.


After bringing the plant home, inspect the leaves, quarantine, and apply herbicides and insecticides if necessary.

2. Late Delivery

When buying plants online, sometimes the plants take time to reach you, this can be due to many reasons.Ā Large parcels lying in warehouses or delays in delivery harm plants. The plants are packed in cartons, and their respiration is restricted. Plants can become dehydrated due to a lack of plants like your plant, and their respiration is delayed if ordered due to a lack of water, such as plants online.

3. Not Getting a Plant-like Mind

You are not getting as it looks online without seeing the tree with your own eyes. Sometimes, there is a difference between the picture and reality, and you may be disappointed.

You may have a hard time if you don’t get the shape or foliage you want.

I had such a bad experience online. The seller gave me pictures of one plant and another. I was very disappointed after contacting them. I could go, and my plant was delivered to someone else. Later, they delivered my plant to me on their responsibility.

Online shopping can help you find the right plant and save time and money. Before buying the plants, scrutinize the online store and check the store’s reviews.

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