How To Care For Your Christmas Cactus

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Winter is a boon for tree lovers. Why would you not be blessed? Winter brings us many beautiful flowers. A popular choice for houseplants is the Christmas cactus. This plant blooms during the holidays and is winter-hardy, so it is called the Christmas or holiday cactus. The Christmas cactus plant is also great as a gift. In the winter, trees appear full of flowers to put a smile on your face. These excellent houseplants will add to the beauty of my home when they are in full bloom.

Letā€™s learn more about the Christmas cactus:

Christmas Cactus

Overview of Christmas Cacti

The Christmas cactus is native to Brazil and is found in the southern regionā€”Schlumbergera cactus from Goa. Despite being a cactus species, Christmas cactus does not require the same care as regular cactus.

They are found in Brazil as epiphytes in rainforests, under the shade of rocks, and on the bark of large trees. Christmas cactuses require moisture to bloom and do not like direct sunlight. There are three types of cacti in this Goa: the Thanksgiving cactus, the Christmas cactus, and the star cactus. You can quickly tell them apart by looking at their leaves.

Brazilians call it the Mayflower. In Russia, the Christmas cactus is called Decembrist because it blooms in December during winter. Its leaves are round, its height is 6-12 inches, and its width can be up to 1-2 feet. The Christmas cactus is long-lived. Different species have different moisture/photoperiod/temperature triggers for flowering.

How to take
of a Christmas cactus

Tub Selection

Selecting a Christmas cactus tub would help you look for a well-draining pot. If over-watering is given to the plant by mistake, the drainage hole is correct, and the excess water emerges. It is best to use clay pots. You should avoid ceramic tubs, but if they have sufficient holes in the bottom, you can use them.

As the Christmas cactus is a cactus species, you can lose your favorite plant if you don’t take care of it like you usually care for a cactus. So how do we take care that we don’t:


Before caring for the plant, we need to know its medium. Christmas cactus plants like moisture, so they must use a succulent medium. Remember to use cactus medium.

A moist medium and well-draining soil are ideal for Christmas cactus. You will use cocopeat and perlite, as they hold water but not excess water.


Because Christmas cacti are particularly fond of moisture, they require careful watering. Before watering, use your finger to feel the moisture content of the soil. Water when the soil is dry; if it is wet, don’t.

As soon as you learn about your plant’s soil, it is advisable to evaluate it using a moisture meter. Depending on the weather, season, and soil moisture content, you can water the plant once every one to three weeks.

The leaves of Christmas cactus will also provide this information.


You can keep a Christmas cactus in the south side window of your house. They donā€™t like direct sun and can damage the leaves if kept in direct sunlight, so they prefer bright and filtered light.

Christmas cacti will flower if they get less than 10 hours of light, so you should keep them in a spot that doesnā€™t get more.

You can keep Christmas cactus in the bathroom and kitchen.

Temperature and Humidity

To flower, they require 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit and 50-60% humidity. To keep it moist, take small pieces of stones in the tub tray, spread them all over the tray, and then wet them with water from your watering can. In this way, the plant gets enough moisture.


You can apply liquid fertilizer every month during the growing period after Christmas cactus flowering. You can use NPK (20-20-20) fertilizer. You should use fertilizers from spring to summer for best results. Do not apply any fertilizer during the winter because this is when the Christmas cactus blooms. While preparing the soil, you can use vermicompost or cow dung as effective organic fertilizers.

Good Time for Repotting?Ā 

Repotting can be repeated within 2-4 years. While repotting, pay attention to whether the roots have come out through the drainage hole in the cactus pot; if they have, report it.

When repotting, you should use a pot one size bigger than the one in the tub, but not a huge pot.

When Christmas Cactus Blooms?

It would help if you waited until December to see the unique flowers on your favorite cactus. Christmas cacti bloom from December to January.

During the fall and winter months, reduce watering slightly to encourage flowering. Do not apply any fertilizer during flowering.


You can cut them after they finish blooming in late January or early February. (Note: Donā€™t cut the plant when the flower buds are still on it.) Summer is the growing period of the cactus, and during this time, cactus plants grow rapidly.

Cut the grooved part of the Christmas cactus thickly with a sharp knife or blade. While cutting, take care that you can cut along the middle of the two parts without damaging the two parts. You can put the cutting parts in sand. After 8-15 days, transplant into Christmas cactus medium when roots appear.

You can also propagate the cuttings by placing them in water.

Is Christmas cactus harmful to the stomach?

No, Christmas cactus is not harmful to your pet. There is no cut in the Christmas cactus, and nothing is complicated about the flowers or branches. In short, the Christmas cactus can be called pet-friendly.

When will you realize your Christmas cactus is stressed?

Your Christmas cactus is stressed when the branches turn purple. This could be due to a multitude of reasons, such as temperature, root issues, sunlight, or a lack of phosphorus.

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