How to Get Your Bird to Eat Veggies, Herbs, and Fruits

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Looking back over the past years, poultry farming has grown and continues to grow. Research shows that keeping pets at home reduces menstrual cramps. I have two budgies at home which my younger sister named Cheki and Peki.

When I bought them from the pet store and brought them home, my younger sister was very happy. She takes care of them regularly and feeds them fruits, roots, and herbs.

We have tried to cover in this guide how to get your bird to eat vegetables, fruits, roots, and herbs. Let’s begin.

Do birds need the right diet?

According to reports from the 1970s to the 1980s, massive bird deaths were caused by a failure to maintain a proper diet alone. Every pet’s diet, not just birds’, has a great need for maintenance. Your pet’s health will not improve if you do not maintain its diet.

You can feed your home birds 20% vegetables and herbs daily, and 5% fruits and roots once a week along with purchased feed.

Do birds in the wild eat vegetables, fruits, and herbs?

In nature, birds are free to collect the food or protein they need from the forest. Birds live under the open sky in forests. They eat fresh and green fruits and vegetables in the forest.

Which vegetables can be fed to birds?

Try to feed them fresh, green vegetables. Do not feed stale, rotten, or spoiled vegetables. You can feed carrots, broccoli, bok choy, lettuce, radish, sweet pumpkin, cucumber, cabbage, raw pepper, corn, gourd, sweet potato, collard greens, and so on.

What herbs can be fed to birds?

Basil, sage, lavender, oregano, coriander, rosemary, lemon balm, fennel, and many other herbs can be fed to your bird.

How to grow herbs at home for birds?

Whether you have budgies, cockatiels, amazon parrots, lovebirds, or any bird in your home, you may need to feed them a certain amount of balanced food regularly. Buying herbs from supermarkets is expensive and time-consuming. If you can grow them at home in your kitchen or kitchen window, you can provide your birds with fresh and healthy herbs regularly. Plant the seeds of your herbs in small containers. Herbs grow quickly in a few weeks if properly cared for. You can also quickly prepare the birds for feeding. You can check the dates of the herb plants from the nursery store or big store, collect the seeds, and plant them in container pots at your home. Within a few days, they will begin to peek through the soil. In 15-20 days, you can feed the birds.

Watch the video we have shared for better understanding.

What fruits can I feed my bird?

Most fruits and vegetables you can feed your birds. Apples, cherries, bananas, pineapples, papayas, mangoes, guavas, kiwis, strawberries, blueberries, watermelons, apricots, palms, coconuts, grapes, and other fruits you provide to your bird. Be sure to clean the fruit thoroughly before feeding it to the bird and do not feed the seeds.

Benefits of feeding vegetables, herbs, and fruits to birds

Get the bird into the habit of feeding 20-30% veggies and fruits with seeds. By feeding these, extra carotene is added to the bird’s body, which greatly helps in the physical structure and normal growth of birds. It also provides vitamins, minerals, calcium, and protein, which help the bird to have bright feathers, vibrancy, the ability to produce eggs, and immunity.
An ideal bird diet provides extra carbohydrates which are very important for birds. These healthy foods are also said to be a nutritious source for birds where they are getting all the nutrients they need in one bundle. If the birds are fed vegetables, fruits, and herbs, the necessary nutrients in their bodies are replenished. A balanced diet keeps birds healthy and active. By feeding these foods, your bird will need to feed a less expensive seed mix, which will help save you money.

Why don’t my birds eat vegetables and fruits?

Feed the birds a balanced diet in addition to food grains, which are key to their physical growth and health. See, the birds we raise at home do not come directly from the wild. They are adapted for domestication and increased in numbers by breeding.

Each farmer maintains the bird’s food diet differently. You are not going to feed them a balanced diet. Birds also come from outside the country through the importation process. Variations in the rearing of birds are observed between countries. Weather also plays an important role in this.

It would be easier to maintain that diet if your bird could tell what food it likes or has been fed before. But this is not possible without imagination. However, you have to interact with the bird to understand its behavior. When you give the birds time to play with them, you will understand what your bird wants! You will get some ideas

You should regularly put vegetables, herbs, fruits, and roots in your bird’s cage.

You should regularly put vegetables, herbs, fruits, and roots in your bird’s cage. Birds are curious about everything inside their cage and at one point or another, they will bite and start eating it if they find it fun. You can combine birds with these balanced meals in your regular practice.

We’re teaching you a few tricks to apply with your bird. Hopefully, one of them will inspire them to munch on their veggies and herbs.

1. If the birds do not eat the vegetables and herbs, you should chop the vegetables, fruits, roots, and herbs in a bowl. But remember that they like to grab and eat in the forest with their feet. So you slice it so they can grab it and eat it. Spread the seed mix on the vegetables so that they can eat the seed mix and feed on the vegetables. And once they bite, they get used to eating it slowly.

2. Keep the bird food away. When you want to feed the bird vegetables, herbs, and fruits, keep the food bowl out of the cage beforehand. After that, you don’t give them food or water. Provide vegetables that you have prepared for them.

3. In the morning, let the bird eat vegetables in the early morning. The night before, take out the water and other bowls from the bird’s cage, if any, and serve them the vegetables and herbs the next morning. They will be forced to eat this food and will eat it because of their heavy appetite and lack of seed and water bowls in their cages. This way you can teach your bird to eat vegetables, herbs, and fruits.

4. Birds love imitation. They imitate those who care and talk to them regularly. If the bird in your house is free and wanders inside the house, it comes to you and sits on your hand or shoulder. You take fruits, and vegetables in your mouth and keep eating by showing him and giving him at one point. You will see that birds will start eating by imitating you. This method can be difficult and time-consuming to get used to, but if you practice regularly, your bird will eventually imitate you.

5. If your bird cage is large and you have many birds in one cage, the size of the cage may not be visible when you are feeding the birds under the cage. Hang the vegetables where your birds sit and the sticks in the cage
where they sit and sleep. They will notice and they will eat. Many times they don’t see the food that you gave them, so they don’t eat it.

6. You lure the birds with vegetables, herbs, and fruits in the cage, move the food in front of the cage, and show it to them again and again. They will be attracted and you will not give them now and then give them again after some time. This will attract them and develop an interest in eating.

7. Know your bird’s diet. When you bring them home from the store or aviary, don’t forget to ask them what diet they fed and raised the bird. Try to know what food to feed and when to avoid. Also, know which foods are preferred so you can take care of them later.

8. Bring home a bird that likes and eats vegetables. You have dozens of budgies in your house but they do not eat vegetables, fruits, roots, and herbs. You bring home a bird that eats all these foods and keep them alone. When you put vegetables in the cage the bird that eats will be the first to reach the plate of vegetables and eat happily, the other birds will follow suit and they will eventually learn to eat.

9. Birds take a bath when they get water and if the time is hot summer then there is no problem. Will sit in the small water bowl in your cage. You use this opportunity with a little head. You should not give birds a water bowl that they can take a bath in. As a result, they will not be able to bathe in the cage. You cut vegetables, fruits, and roots in a spreading bowl with a little water and then put these inside the cage. You will see when they bathe in the greed of water and the vegetables will come to their attention and they will keep eating them with one or two bites and it will become a habit in this way.

We used to feed our Cheki and Peki vegetables like this.

10. Always give green vegetables, fruits, roots, and herbs. They like to eat green foods. Once they like to eat vegetables, you will feed them vegetables and herbs regularly.

11. You can hang vegetables and herbs above the cage or on the ceiling. They are more attracted to and interested in new things. When they fly into the cage and see something hanging, they will approach it and try to eat it.

12. Some birds like to play and play with the toys in the cage all day long. You can keep vegetables, herbs, fruits, and roots next to their toys. If they are seen while playing, the chances of being eaten will increase.

13. Parakeets love to peck with their beaks. You will notice that inside the cage they are moving their sharp lips at any end. You keep their vegetables, herbs, and fruits inside the cage for the main game. They will cut and destroy with their sharp beaks and thus their appetite will increase at once.

14. Mix the liquid juice of the fruit with your birdseed. For example: strawberries, pineapples, and oranges. They will get used to the taste of the liquid juice and when you give them the same fruits in the cage or bowl, they will remember their previous eating habits and eat them.

15. You should refrain from giving vegetables or fruit. When you are serving their vegetables on a plate or in a bowl, you should mix a few colored vegetables to make chops. This means that your bird that likes carrots will eat carrots, the bird that likes lettuce will eat lettuce, and the bird that likes broccoli will eat broccoli. This is how you mix a few items to create a meal recipe. This food plate will attract your bird.

Improper diet can cause birds to lose feathers and die

What food and veggies are toxic for birds?

1. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are acidic which causes digestive problems in birds.

2. Peanuts: Many people use peanuts in their birdseed mix. Avoid feeding peanuts as they contain high amounts of fat that will put your bird at risk.

3. Cheese: Cheese is bad for your birds. Don’t feed your birds cheese.

4. Mushrooms: Some mushrooms are poisonous and can cause liver problems in your bird. Avoid eating raw and cooked mushrooms.

5. Onions and Garlic: Anything in the onion family should not be fed to your bird. But sadly, many birders are feeding their birds onions regularly.

6. Fruit seeds: Stop eating fruit seeds. Do not feed the seeds of the fruit to your bird. It is toxic to your bird.

7. Chocolate: Chocolate contains fat, fat, and sugars which are very harmful to your bird.

8. Human Food: Many people feed birds junk food including rice, which should not be fed to your bird.

Spend time with your pet birds. Try to understand them and carefully try to get them accustomed to a vegetarian diet. When you find they don’t want to eat, try applying our 15 tricks above. Any one of them will work for your birds. You can grow fresh and healthy herbs at home for your own needs and to feed your birds.


Can moringa leaves be fed to birds?

= Yes, you can feed moringa leaves to your bird and wash them before feeding.

Is it safe to feed grass to birds?

= Another favorite food of birds is trees. However, certain grasses in the city should be avoided. You can feed cats the grass that you get in supermarkets.

Can I feed my bird fruit regularly?

= You can feed your bird fruits and vegetables once a week. Get your bird used to eating fruit regularly and then feed it 1 or 2 times a week.

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